Index Creative

Cátedra del Agua de la ULPGC

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Bonjour, folks


I’m a front end developer, UI/UX designer & growth enthusiast from New York. Pretty much into anime, typography & music. Love to create Digital Experiences and Brand Identity. Oh, also love to travel around the world. Greatest inspirations essentially come while I am with my backpack. I adore visual story-telling & hate long-winded stuff. So let’s just wrap it up here. If you want to know more, just hit me up on mailbox. Get the address from somewhere here.

[rs_blockquote cite=»Pablo Picasso»]My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.’ Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.[/rs_blockquote]
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Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Canaragua Aguas de Telde Teidagua Aguas de Antigua